Purple Adobe Lavender Farm is nestled in the charming and beautiful village of Abiquiu- a picturesque drive in Northern New Mexico through the breathtaking landscapes of the Chama Valley so often painted by the renowned artist, Georgia O’Keefe.
The Lavender Tea House will be offering for Mother’s Day a 100% gluten free, decadently, delightful, delicious menu of light fare: farm made quiche, blue corn muffins, and garden fresh hot savory soup, as well as the customary, (but far from ordinary), desserts, scones, chocolates, lavender teas and coffee! What better way to show the ladies in your life how much you appreciate them: a day out in the country, fresh air, and delicious healthy food and an opportunity to check out the many lavender products in the store- A reminder of a perfect day.
Purple Adobe Lavender Farm in located in Abiquiu. Look for the purple flags between mile marker 210 and 211.