If you enjoy bike riding and dipping into hot springs, then this adventure will delight and relax you. Montezuma hot springs just outside of Las Vegas, New Mexico is a jewel along the Gallinas Creek. Route 65 is the perfect leisurely bike ride. The springs are right along the road, somewhat masked by guard rails.
Jewel of Gallinas Creek
The jewels I am speaking of along the Gallinas Creek is a series of small, warm, mineral-charged pools named Montezuma Hot Springs. It’s a beautiful setting, as the springs overlook the wild oaks swarming the rivers edge as well as being in eye-shot of the “old stone hotel”, (look a the top of the cliff side on the other side of the creek). Which was originally called Hot Springs Hotel.
This old standing hotel now serves as the administration building of the United World College (UWC)– USA. There is more information coming in regards to these hotels. Lots of activity around this place!
World college view across the Gallinas Creek
Today the bubbling springs are captured in open-air cement pools that still remain long after the closing of the hotel. Although, located on private property, UWC allows free public access to the springs, maintains regulations for using the tubs and sees they are kept clean. Bathing suits are required.
Maneuvering through the small entrance to the springs with my bike was a little bit of a challenge. A narrow rocky entrance pointed downhill toward the clustered stone/rock pools. Most noteworthy is The Lobster Pot, (a very hot 120°) and flanked by the two smaller and much shallower pools.
These concrete tubs tend to be cozy when other bathers are present. If its crowded, I usually only stick my feet in. There is also a trail along the creek that links to several other outlying pools a bit further from the road. Therefore, if you are in the mood for more adventure, try cooling off in the Gallinas Creek.